An ever-increasing number of people seeking to enjoy the back country means that we have to exert a conscious effort to protect this environment.
Actions such as digging trenches around tents or lopping off tree boughs for a mattress are no longer acceptable. Everyone who uses the back country must strive for "no trace camping." In other words, when camp is broken, there should be absolutely no sign of human use.
No trace camping can be achieved by using modern man-made fabrics and plastics for shelter and insulation, by cooking with gas stoves and by paying particular attention to what you do in and around your campsite.
Special care must be taken in alpine and sub-alpine areas. These are among the most fragile ecosystems because of the severe conditions and the short growing season. What may seem like a harmless activity can cause long-term damage. One example is a tent, left in the same spot in an alpine meadow for a number of days. The damaged plants underneath the tent will not recover during the remainder of the brief summer season, this leaves a mark on the meadow for everyone to see and could take the plants years to recover. Even a stroll through a flower-filled meadow will cause damage to the plants and soil, which will take weeks or months to recover. Campfires in particular cause severe effects, not only from the burned area inside the fire-ring but also from the removal of wood that is burned on the fire.
To preserve the pristine wilderness, it is important to hike on designated trails, put up your tent on the tent pads provided and use a backpacking stove for cooking.
'IF YOU PACK IT IN.......PACK IT OUT' is a standard practice in any back country area. This also refers to biodegradable scraps such as apple cores and orange peels, which probably won't decompose before the next hiker comes along. Take along a garbage bag and carry out all trash that you generate. Do not bury anything except human waste. The ground will be disturbed by digging and animals will dig up and scatter your buried garbage.