*Assiniboine Lodge Chef * Swiss Yodeller * Avid Outdoor Enthousist
Karin met one of our staff at CMH where she works in the Winters and told them "Oh, you work at Assiniboine? That is my DREAM job!" The next year the lodge had a couple shifts to fill and knew who to call. Trained in Switzerland, Karin loves branching out from traditional european cooking and gettiing a little adventurous with her flavours.
Karin started cooking at the lodge in the fall of 2021. As much as she fell in love with working at Assiniboine, the Assiniboine Family fell in love with her. Always chipper and smiling, Karin's happiness is infectious. In her time off Karin enjoys fishing, camping, gardening and dirt biking.
Three things Karin loves about Assiniboine are: the team (which she refers to as her Friends and Family), hiking on her breaks and any excuse to dress up in her drindl.